Saturday, December 13, 2008

Making Legislation

What's that you say? We just made duck proscuitto, why do we need to grind Donald up into sausage so soon after? It's a good question, and I'm not sure I have a better answer than that we don't hate ducks, we love them. They are delicious.

Also - for you law and politics nerds out there - how bad is is that we call making sausage "making legislation?" Very bad, I think.

Anyways - to the task at hand, and thanks again to Michael Ruhlman's Charcuterie - take the duck, butcher it up so all that's left is meat, no bones or skin or sinew (that sinew is the biggest pain to deal with, maybe there's some easy way to do it I just haven't figured out yet?). Mix up the meat with some pork fat, mix in with spices and seasonings, freeze for a bit, grind, mix in some red wine and water, and there you go.

I've gotta say, I love making sausage. It is always sad when my partner in the kitchen has to get up super early on a weekend to head to work, and I'm left doing the butchering myself, but I suppose someone needs to bring home the bacon, since that bacon of the month club won't last forever.

For everyone who loved playing with Play-Doh as a kid, you should make sausage. For those of you who are freaked out by the idea, you shouldn't be. Controlling the process - what goes in, what comes out, and everything in between - should allay any misgivings about sausage generally. And, if you have a Kitchenaid mixer, the meat grinder attachment is a good add-on; who knows, you may end up grinding a lot of your own meat.

Of all the sausages we've made, the duck is probably my favorite. It's a bit decadent, and a lot delicious.

At the end, of course, make sure you taste what you made. Because you want to check for seasonings, and you want to eat it as soon as possible. This is some tasty stuff, to be sure.

Tomorrow we'll stuff the sausages; keep your eyes peeled for pics of the finished product.

1 comment:

Location said...

where's the deep fried tofurkey recipie??? (Laila)