Monday, December 15, 2008

Sausage Stuffers

Sausage stuffing is kind of like stocking stuffing, except instead of filling a big red sock with little presents, you are filling intestines with ground up meat and fat and spices.

Answers to some common questions: yes, they are pig's intestines, you can generally get them at a butcher or maybe even your friendly neighborhood supermarket, if you want thinner sausages you've gotta get sheep casings which are pricier, and they are surprisingly resilient when stuffing them full of meat.

For an excellent demonstration of sausage-making technique, we highly recommend finding the old Julia Child episode where she stuff sausages with any variety of devices. Quite a hoot, and also quite informative.

We had some help stuffing the sausages (thanks, Chuckanucka).

Some people stuff the whole thing and then twist off the links. In our experience, twisting off as you go works a little better. Just be careful - you want them full (air bubbles are not your friend), but not too full (casings popping in the middle is a big pain to deal with).

The finished product, all ready to be cooked and eaten and enjoyed.

Just a couple breakfast shots for you - 1) fry up patties of the fried rice we made earlier in the week (does that make it double-fried rice?); 2) heat up leftover meat from Dinosaur BBQ the night before, with some bbq sauce; 3) fry some eggs; 4) assemble and enjoy.

1 comment:

Location said...

Does this come in a vegan version? (Laila)