Friday, December 05, 2008

Pizza is the Best

We've started making pizza. We'll make some dough on the weekend, and then have pizza night once a week, more or less. MMM mmm good. Last night's pies - Clams and Bacon, and BBQ Chicken - were excellent, I must say. Broiling the pie for the last minute or so seems to help crisp up the crust a bit.

If you look, you'll see that we misguidedly started this blog a couple of years ago, and did nothing with it. A picture of bacon tempura sat there for a long time, unaccompanied by anything at all. That's about to change.

The plan is to document our food obsession: our sausage making, meat curing, pizza making, omnivorous existence. Professionals by day, ravenous eaters by night, with nothing better to do than spend much too much time thinking about food, and much too little time doing the work we're supposed to be doing.

Also, no one visits us way out in the fancy shmancy burbs where we live, so perhaps documenting what goes on in our kitchen and into our stomachs will prompt some more visitors.


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1 comment:

CaptnSpaulding said...

Wow a post evert 29 months - this is a blog I can keep up with!